



Kända personer
- Bill Joy
- Brian Kernighan
- Dennis Ritchie
- Ken Thompson
- UNICS - Uniplexed Information and Computing Service
- POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for uniX
- NPM - Node package manager
- CRT - Cathode ray tube
- MC - Midnight Commander
- csh - C shell
- ksh - Korn shell
- sh - Bourne shell
- SED - stream editor
- AWK - Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan
- RC - runcom
- SIP - System Integrity Protection
- MOTD - Message of the day
cat /etc/shells
- .sh
Write failed: Broken pipe You have mail.Snabbkommandon för UNIX
Visa alla snabbkommandon
- Tab+?Autocompletes from the cursor position.
- Ctrl+aMoves the cursor to the line start (equivalent to the key Home).
- Ctrl+bMoves the cursor back one character (equivalent to the key ?).
- Ctrl+cSends the signal SIGINT to the current task, which aborts and closes it.
- Ctrl+e(end) moves the cursor to the line end (equivalent to the key End).
- Ctrl+fMoves the cursor forward one character (equivalent to the key ?).
- Ctrl+hDeletes the previous character (same as backspace).
- Ctrl+iEquivalent to the tab key.
- Ctrl+jEquivalent to the enter key.
- Ctrl+kClears the line content after the cursor and copies it into the clipboard.
- Ctrl+lClears the screen content (equivalent to the command clear).
- Ctrl+n(next) recalls the next command (equivalent to the key ?).
- Ctrl+p(previous) recalls the prior command (equivalent to the key ?).
- Ctrl+r(reverse search) recalls the last command including the specified character(s). A second Ctrl+r recalls the next anterior command that corresponds to the search
- Ctrl+tTranspose the previous two characters.
- Ctrl+uClears the line content before the cursor and copies it into the clipboard.
- Ctrl+wClears the word before the cursor and copies it into the clipboard.
- Ctrl+y(yank) adds the clipboard content from the cursor position.
- Ctrl+zSends the signal SIGTSTP to the current task, which suspends it. To execute it in background one can enter bg. To bring it back from background or suspension fg ['process name or job id'] (foreground) can be issued.
- Ctrl+_Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line.

Variabler med beskrivningar
Visa alla variabler
- The filename of the current script.
- These variables correspond to the arguments with which a script was invoked. Here n is a positive decimal number corresponding to the position of an argument (the first argument is $1, the second argument is $2, and so on).
- The number of arguments supplied to a script.
- All the arguments are double quoted. If a script receives two arguments, $* is equivalent to $1 $2.
- All the arguments are individually double quoted. If a script receives two arguments, $@ is equivalent to $1 $2.
- The exit status of the last command executed.
- The process number of the current shell. For shell scripts, this is the process ID under which they are executing.
- The process number of the last background command.
export PATH=$PATH:.

Kommandon (och vissa förkortningar)
Visa alla kommandon
- afplay
- apt - Advanced Package Tool
- bc
- cal
- cd
- chmod [-R]
- clear
- cmp
- cp
- curl [-o]
- date
- diff
- ditto
- drush
- du
- echo
- Emacs
- ftp
- git
- help
- history
- ifconfig
- info
- ls [-a][-l]
- man
- mkdir
- mv
- mysql
- nano
- open
- pico
- ping [-c count][-i wait][-t timeout]
- pwd
- rm
- rmdir
- say [-v voice]
- scp
- sleep
- ssh
- sudo
- tail
- telnet
- top
- touch
- unzip [-d]
- uptime
- vim
- vimtutor
- wc
- who
- who am i
- whoami
Visa alla rättigheter
- No permissions (
) - Execute only (rare) (
) - Write only (rare) (
) - Write and execute (rare) (
) - Read only (
) - Read and execute (
) - Read and write (
) - Read, write, and execute (
Termination Signals
- .aliases
- .bash_aliases
- .bash_history
- .bash_profile
- .bashrc

__ __ ____ / /_ ____ ___ __ __ ____ _____/ /_ / __ \/ __ \ / __ `__ \/ / / / /_ / / ___/ __ \ / /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / /_(__ ) / / / \____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__, / /___/____/_/ /_/ /____/ Oh My Zsh DiscordVisa alias för git
egrep='grep -E --color=auto --exclude-dir={.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn,.idea,.tox}' fgrep='grep -F --color=auto --exclude-dir={.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn,.idea,.tox}' g=git ga='git add' gaa='git add --all' gam='git am' gama='git am --abort' gamc='git am --continue' gams='git am --skip' gamscp='git am --show-current-patch' gap='git apply' gapa='git add --patch' gapt='git apply --3way' gau='git add --update' gav='git add --verbose' gb='git branch' gbD='git branch -D' gba='git branch -a' gbd='git branch -d' gbda='git branch --no-color --merged | command grep -vE "^([+*]|\s*($(git_main_branch)|$(git_develop_branch))\s*$)" | command xargs git branch -d 2>/dev/null' gbl='git blame -b -w' gbnm='git branch --no-merged' gbr='git branch --remote' gbs='git bisect' gbsb='git bisect bad' gbsg='git bisect good' gbsr='git bisect reset' gbss='git bisect start' gc='git commit -v' 'gc!'='git commit -v --amend' gca='git commit -v -a' 'gca!'='git commit -v -a --amend' gcam='git commit -a -m' 'gcan!'='git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend' 'gcans!'='git commit -v -a -s --no-edit --amend' gcas='git commit -a -s' gcasm='git commit -a -s -m' gcb='git checkout -b' gcd='git checkout $(git_develop_branch)' gcf='git config --list' gcl='git clone --recurse-submodules' gclean='git clean -id' gcm='git checkout $(git_main_branch)' gcmsg='git commit -m' 'gcn!'='git commit -v --no-edit --amend' gco='git checkout' gcor='git checkout --recurse-submodules' gcount='git shortlog -sn' gcp='git cherry-pick' gcpa='git cherry-pick --abort' gcpc='git cherry-pick --continue' gcs='git commit -S' gcsm='git commit -s -m' gcss='git commit -S -s' gcssm='git commit -S -s -m' gd='git diff' gdca='git diff --cached' gdct='git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)' gdcw='git diff --cached --word-diff' gds='git diff --staged' gdt='git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r' gdup='git diff @{upstream}' gdw='git diff --word-diff' gf='git fetch' gfa='git fetch --all --prune --jobs=10' gfg='git ls-files | grep' gfo='git fetch origin' gg='git gui citool' gga='git gui citool --amend' ggpull='git pull origin "$(git_current_branch)"' ggpush='git push origin "$(git_current_branch)"' ggsup='git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git_current_branch)' ghh='git help' gignore='git update-index --assume-unchanged' gignored='git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"' git-svn-dcommit-push='git svn dcommit && git push github $(git_main_branch):svntrunk' gk='\gitk --all --branches &!' gke='\gitk --all $(git log -g --pretty=%h) &!' gl='git pull' glg='git log --stat' glgg='git log --graph' glgga='git log --graph --decorate --all' glgm='git log --graph --max-count=10' glgp='git log --stat -p' glo='git log --oneline --decorate' glod='git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\' glods='git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\'' --date=short' glog='git log --oneline --decorate --graph' gloga='git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all' glol='git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\' glola='git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\'' --all' glols='git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ar) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\'' --stat' glp=_git_log_prettily gluc='git pull upstream $(git_current_branch)' glum='git pull upstream $(git_main_branch)' gm='git merge' gma='git merge --abort' gmom='git merge origin/$(git_main_branch)' gmtl='git mergetool --no-prompt' gmtlvim='git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff' gmum='git merge upstream/$(git_main_branch)' gp='git push' gpd='git push --dry-run' gpf='git push --force-with-lease' 'gpf!'='git push --force' gpoat='git push origin --all && git push origin --tags' gpr='git pull --rebase' gpristine='git reset --hard && git clean -dffx' gpsup='git push --set-upstream origin $(git_current_branch)' gpu='git push upstream' gpv='git push -v' gr='git remote' gra='git remote add' grb='git rebase' grba='git rebase --abort' grbc='git rebase --continue' grbd='git rebase $(git_develop_branch)' grbi='git rebase -i' grbm='git rebase $(git_main_branch)' grbo='git rebase --onto' grbom='git rebase origin/$(git_main_branch)' grbs='git rebase --skip' grep='grep --color=auto --exclude-dir={.bzr,CVS,.git,.hg,.svn,.idea,.tox}' grev='git revert' grh='git reset' grhh='git reset --hard' grm='git rm' grmc='git rm --cached' grmv='git remote rename' groh='git reset origin/$(git_current_branch) --hard' grrm='git remote remove' grs='git restore' grset='git remote set-url' grss='git restore --source' grst='git restore --staged' grt='cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel || echo .)"' gru='git reset --' grup='git remote update' grv='git remote -v' gsb='git status -sb' gsd='git svn dcommit' gsh='git show' gsi='git submodule init' gsps='git show --pretty=short --show-signature' gsr='git svn rebase' gss='git status -s' gst='git status' gsta='git stash push' gstaa='git stash apply' gstall='git stash --all' gstc='git stash clear' gstd='git stash drop' gstl='git stash list' gstp='git stash pop' gsts='git stash show --text' gsu='git submodule update' gsw='git switch' gswc='git switch -c' gswd='git switch $(git_develop_branch)' gswm='git switch $(git_main_branch)' gtl='gtl(){ git tag --sort=-v:refname -n -l "${1}*" }; noglob gtl' gts='git tag -s' gtv='git tag | sort -V' gunignore='git update-index --no-assume-unchanged' gunwip='git log -n 1 | grep -q -c "\-\-wip\-\-" && git reset HEAD~1' gup='git pull --rebase' gupa='git pull --rebase --autostash' gupav='git pull --rebase --autostash -v' gupom='git pull --rebase origin $(git_main_branch)' gupomi='git pull --rebase=interactive origin $(git_main_branch)' gupv='git pull --rebase -v' gwch='git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium' gwip='git add -A; git rm $(git ls-files --deleted) 2> /dev/null; git commit --no-verify --no-gpg-sign -m "--wip-- [skip ci]"'Visa version av Oh My Zsh
zsh --version
zsh 5.8.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0)








Hello () {
echo "Hello World"
# En kommentar
Öppna nuvarande mapp
open .
Upplösning för .png
file *
Skapa symlänk
ln -s /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ htdocs
Byt lösenord
passwd [username] Changing local password for [username] New Password: Retype New Password:Tid
date +"%H:%M:%S"
Tid i millisekunder
date +%s
Tid för användare
Visa vad slutet av en fil innehåller samtidigt som den kan uppdateras (kan användas för att visa nya felmeddelanden)
tail -f fil
Öppna en fil med ett program
open -a Program "fil"
Flytta dolda filer
mv .* ../
Avsluta ett program
killall program
Information om en fil
stat file
Rättigheter för en fil
stat -f '%A' file
man command
Visa all hjälp
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin21) These shell commands are defined internally. Type `help' to see this list. Type `help name' to find out more about the function `name'. Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general. Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about commands not in this list. A star (*) next to a name means that the command is disabled. JOB_SPEC [&] (( expression )) . filename [arguments] : [ arg... ] [[ expression ]] alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] bg [job_spec ...] bind [-lpvsPVS] [-m keymap] [-f fi break [n] builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]] caller [EXPR] case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]. cd [-L|-P] [dir] command [-pVv] command [arg ...] compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-o continue [n] declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=val dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] disown [-h] [-ar] [jobspec ...] echo [-neE] [arg ...] enable [-pnds] [-a] [-f filename] eval [arg ...] exec [-cl] [-a name] file [redirec exit [n] export [-nf] [name[=value] ...] or false fc [-e ename] [-nlr] [first] [last fg [job_spec] for NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMA for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COM function NAME { COMMANDS ; } or NA getopts optstring name [arg] hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [na help [-s] [pattern ...] history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or hi if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif jobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] or job kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -si let arg [arg ...] local name[=value] ... logout popd [+N | -N] [-n] printf [-v var] format [arguments] pushd [dir | +N | -N] [-n] pwd [-LP] read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [ readonly [-af] [name[=value] ...] return [n] select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do CO set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o opti shift [n] shopt [-pqsu] [-o long-option] opt source filename [arguments] suspend [-f] test [expr] time [-p] PIPELINE times trap [-lp] [arg signal_spec ...] true type [-afptP] name [name ...] typeset [-afFirtx] [-p] name[=valu ulimit [-SHacdfilmnpqstuvx] [limit umask [-p] [-S] [mode] unalias [-a] name [name ...] unset [-f] [-v] [name ...] until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done variables - Some variable names an wait [n] while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done { COMMANDS ; }Läs in fil för bash
source ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
Version operativsystem
uname -a
Versionsflagga för program
program --version
List all available commands
compgen -c
Hämta fil
wget -O file example.com/file
Flytta filer till server
scp . user@ip:/folder
Hämta filer från server
scp user@ip:/folder .
Sök på filnamn
find . -name filename
Sök efter ett ord
grep "Word" file.txt
Sök efter ett ord i en specifik fil
cat file.txt | grep Word
Only hidden files
ls -d .*
Sök förutom i en mapp
grep -R --exclude-dir=node_modules 'some pattern' /path/to/search
Filer i mappar
ls -l | wc -l
ls -lA | wc -l
Dölj en fil eller mapp
chflags hidden /path/to/file-or-folder
Visa en dold fil eller mapp
chflags hidden /path/to/file-or-folder
Visa dolda filer som default på Mac
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
Extrahera .tar.gz
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz
Extrahera .tar
tar -xvf file.tar
Senaste besökare
last -10
Rättigheter för mappar
sudo chown -R username:group directory
sudo chmod -R XXX directory
Ändra interface för användare
chsh –s /bin/bash user
chsh –s /bin/sh user
Töm historik
history -c
Kör föregående kommando
Personliga filer
Ställ in storlek för historik
alias ll="ls -la"
urls=('www.domain.com'); for i in ${urls[@]}; do http_code=$(curl -I -s $i -w %{http_code}); echo $i status: ${http_code:9:3}; done
Checking Free Disk Space
df -h
df -k
Filer (side by side)
diff -y
diff -arq folder1 folder2
Upplösning för PNG
file *
How can I calculate the size of a directory?
du -s directory_name
Or to get human readable output
du -sh directory_name
The -s option means that it won't list the size for each subdirectory, only the total size.
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
telnet mapscii.me
Exportera databas med MySQL till fil
mysqldump -u användarnamn -plösenord databas > filnamn.sql
Already have a key?
Copy your key to your clipboard with:
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy
Change Password over SSH
ssh -t user@server-name-here /bin/passwd
Kopiera på Mac
Klistra in på Mac
Serienummer på Mac
ioreg -c "IOPlatformExpertDevice" | awk -F '"' '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/ {print $4}'
Röst på Mac
say -v ? Word
Visa alla
Namn på röster
- Agnes
- Albert
- Alex
- Alice
- Alva
- Amelie
- Anna
- Bad News
- Bahh
- Bells
- Boing
- Bruce
- Bubbles
- Carmit
- Cellos
- Damayanti
- Daniel
- Deranged
- Diego
- Ellen
- Fiona
- Fred
- Good News
- Hysterical
- Ioana
- Joana
- Junior
- Kanya
- Karen
- Kathy
- Kyoko
- Laura
- Lekha
- Luciana
- Mariska
- Mei-Jia
- Melina
- Milena
- Moira
- Monica
- Nora
- Paulina
- Pipe Organ
- Princess
- Ralph
- Samantha
- Sara
- Satu
- Sin-ji
- Tarik
- Tessa
- Thomas
- Ting-Ting
- Trinoids
- Veena
- Vicki
- Victoria
- Whisper
- Xander
- Yelda
- Yuna
- Zarvox
- Zosia
- Zuzana
How to Disable System Integrity Protection (rootless) in Mac OS X
csrutil status
csrutil disable
csrutil enable
Replace with sed
sed -i -e 's/search\/replace/g' file
Default shell for a user
Lists all shells installed on the system
cat /etc/shells
Change its default shell

Visa alla kommandon i brew
Example usage: brew search TEXT|/REGEX/ brew info [FORMULA|CASK...] brew install FORMULA|CASK... brew update brew upgrade [FORMULA|CASK...] brew uninstall FORMULA|CASK... brew list [FORMULA|CASK...] Troubleshooting: brew config brew doctor brew install --verbose --debug FORMULA|CASK Contributing: brew create URL [--no-fetch] brew edit [FORMULA|CASK...] Further help: brew commands brew help [COMMAND] man brew https://docs.brew.shVisa beroenden för brew
brew list
brew deps
brew deps --tree
brew deps --tree --installed







Liknande namn
UNIX timestamp med PHP
UNIX timestamp med MySQL
UNIX timestamp med Javascript
Testa här
new Date().getTime()
Testa här

Externa länkar
- Cyberciti.biz Bash aliases mac centos linux
- Cyberciti.biz Bash shell display only hidden dot files
- Immense.net 10 helpful unix commands every web developer should know
- Command line fu.com Commands Browse
- Stackoverflow.com Questions Linux command to list all available commands and aliases
- http://www.tutorialspoint.com/unix/unix-special-variables.htm
- http://old.floatingsun.net/2007/02/07/whats-with-__macosx-in-zip-files/index.html
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-loop-through-files-in-a-directory/
- https://www.lifewire.com/practical-examples-of-the-zip-command-2201158
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-shell-change-the-color-of-my-shell-prompt-under-linux-or-unix/
- http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/148/colorizing-your-terminal-and-shell-environment
- http://cyber-defense.sans.org/blog/2009/10/22/windump-color-highlighting
- http://www.unix.com/unix-for-dummies-questions-and-answers/186131-restricting-find-search-current-directory-only.html
- http://superuser.com/questions/61611/how-to-copy-with-cp-to-include-hidden-files-and-hidden-directories-and-their-con
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/bash-aliases-mac-centos-linux-unix.html
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-howto-read-line-by-line-from-file/
- https://moz.com/blog/web-developers-command-line-tricks
- https://immense.net/10-helpful-unix-commands-every-web-developer-should-know/
- Unix timestamp.com
- is my linux ARM 32 or 64 bit?
- Oh my z.sh
- http://www.linfo.org/change_shell.html
